Here is a short description of all the options available through the OpenXR Toolkit in-game menu.

You can access more detailed pages through the menu bar on the left.

Performance tab:

  • Overlay: Enables the FPS display or advanced timings display in the top-right corner of the view. Please note that the overlay may reduce performance. A fourth option - “Developer” - is available in experimental mode and may be used for troubleshooting with the developers. See Overlay for more details.
  • Upscaling/Sharpening: Enables the use of an upscaler such as NIS or FSR to perform rendering at a lower resolution, and upscale and/or sharpen the image. Requires to restart the VR session. See Upscaling for more details.
    • Anamorphic (NIS/FSR only): When Disabled, the Size scales both the width and the height propotionally. When Enabled, both sizes can be adjusted independently.
    • Size (NIS/FSR only): The upscaling factor (ie: the percentage of magnification of the rendering resolution). The resolution displayed next to the percentage is the effective resolution that the application sees. Requires to restart the VR session.
    • Width/Height (NIS/FSR only): This displays the actual in-game render width and height, that is the actual number of pixels the game is rendering per eye.
    • Sharpness: The sharpness factor. Has a different scale/effect between NIS and FSR.
    • Mip-map bias (Expert setting, NIS/FSR only): This settings changes how the game is rendering some of the textures in order to reveal a little bit more details when used with FSR/NIS upscalers.
  • (Fixed) Foveated rendering (on supported GPUs only): These settings adjust the foveated rendering parameters in order to balance out peripheral visual details with rendering performance. See Foveated Rendering for more details.
    • Eye tracking (on supported headsets only): Enable the use of eye tracking to control the position of the center of the foveated region. See Eye Tracking for more details.
    • Eye projection distance (only with Pimax headsets): Calibrate the sensitivy of eye gaze movements.

    Preset mode

    • Mode: Whether to prefer performance over quality.
    • Pattern: The size of the foveated regions.

    Custom mode

    • Inner resolution (Expert setting): The resolution inside the inner ring of foveation. Should be left at full resolution (1x).
    • Inner ring size: The size of the inner ring of foveation, in percent of the height of the image.
    • Middle resolution: The resolution inside the middle ring of foveation.
    • Outer ring size: The size of the outer ring of foveation, in percent of the height of the image.
    • Outer resolution: The resolution inside the outer ring of foveation.
    • Horizontal scale (Expert setting): The rings for foveation can be configured as ellipses. This setting controls the scale of the horizontal radius (or semi-major axis) based on the vertical radius (or semi-minor axis). A value of 100% means that the rings are circles. A value larger than 100% will result in flattened, oval-shaped rings.
    • Horizontal offset (Expert setting): Add a horizontal offset to the center of the foveation rings. The offset is expressed relative to the left eye, and its opposite value will be applied to the right eye.
    • Vertical offset (Expert setting): Add a vertical offset to the center of the foveation rings.
    • Left/Right bias (Expert setting): Lower the resolution of all the regions at once, either for the left or the right eye only at a time.
  • Turbo mode: Enable turbo frame timings. See Turbo Mode.
  • Frame rate throttling: Throttle down the frame rate of the application. WARNING: This can introduce unwanted latency. This option will not appear on Windows Mixed Reality if the Motion Reprojection is forced to On in the System tab, and you must use the Lock motion reprojection instead.
  • Record statistics: Enable recording basic frame statistics to a comma-separated values (CSV) file stored under %LocalAppData%\OpenXR-Toolkit\stats.
  • High-rate statistics: Enable displaying and/or recording of statistics at 10x the normal rate.

Appearance tab:

  • Post-processing: Allows adjusting the image displaying in the headset. When Enabled, the following additional controls are available.

    Sun Glasses Presets

    These are finely tuned quick-access presets, applying on top of the individual post-processing settings, effectively augmenting but not replacing them:

    • Light and Dark: Two levels of sun glasses, adjusted to reduce exposure and low light details while preserving perceived contrast.
    • TruNite: Wear these glasses exclusively when flying at night and feel the lights popping up in a sea of darkness surrounding you.

    Individual Controls

    These are adjusting individual enhancements settings and they allow fine tuning the image displaying in the headset:

    • Contrast: Adjusts the difference between bright and dark pixels (Neutral: 50).
    • Brightness: Adjusts those pixels that are not already extremely bright (preserves the highlights) and adjusts midtones, aka gamma (Neutral: 50).
    • Exposure: Adjusts the brightness or darkness of the entire image (Neutral: 50).
    • Saturation: Adjusts the colorfullness of the entire image. It affects all colors and pixels in the image equally, regardless of how saturated they already are (Neutral: 50).
    • Vibrance: Adjusts the intensity of the more muted colors while leaving the saturated colors untouched (Neutral: 0).
    • Highlights: Adjusts the highlight details in reducing the intensity of the brightest pixels (Neutral: 100).
    • Shadows: Adjusts the details that appear in shadows in brightening the darkest pixels (Neutral: 0).

    CA Correction

    This option is only available on Varjo Aero. See CA Correction.

    • Red/Blue: Adjusts the amount of shifting for each color channel (Neutral: 0).
  • World scale: The Inter-Camera Distance override, which can be used to alter the world scale.

Inputs tab:

  • Shaking reduction, formerly Prediction dampening (only when supported by the system): The prediction override, which can be use to dampen the prediction for head, controllers, and hand movements.

System tab:

  • Override resolution: Enable overriding the OpenXR target resolution (same as what the “custom render scale” in OpenXR Tools for WMR does).
    • Display resolution (per-eye): The resolution to use for each eye.
  • Motion reprojection (only with Windows Mixed Reality): Enable overriding the Motion Reprojection mode. Default means to use the system settings (from the OpenXR Tools for Windows Mixed Reality).
    • Lock motion reprojection (only with Windows Mixed Reality, when Motion Reprojection is forced to On): Disable automatic motion reprojection adjustment, and lock the frame rate to the desired fraction of the refresh rate.
  • Color Gains: Adjusts the Red, Green and Blue channels gains individually (Neutral: 50).
  • Field of view: Adjust the pixel density per degree. A smaller field of view is covering a smaller region of the view but with the same amount of pixels, effectively increasing the perceived resolution.
    • Adjustement (in Simple mode): Override all 4 angles (up/down/left/right) equally.
    • Up (in Advanced mode): Override the “up” angle for both eyes.
    • Down (in Advanced mode): Override the “down” angle for both eyes.
    • Left/Left (in Advanced mode): Override the “left” angle for the left eye.
    • Left/Right (in Advanced mode): Override the “right” angle for the left eye.
    • Right/Left (in Advanced mode): Override the “left” angle for the right eye.
    • Right/Right (in Advanced mode): Override the “right” angle for the right eye.
  • Blind eye (on supported applications only): Disable rendering the left or right view. This might require restarting the VR session.
  • Disable mask (HAM) (Expert setting, on supported applications only): Disable the hidden area mesh (HAM). This might require restarting the VR session.

Menu tab:

  • Show expert settings: Show all settings. This can be pretty overwhelming for certain features.
  • Font size: The size of the text for the menu.
  • Menu timeout: The duration after which the menu automatically disappears when there is no input.
  • Menu distance: Adjust the viewing distance of the menu. This option can help with comfort when looking at the menu and reading text.
  • Menu opacity: Adjust the opacity of the menu.
  • Menu eye offset (in legacy mode): Adjust rendering of the menu until the text appears clear.
  • Show clock in overlay: Whether to show the clock in the FPS overlay.
  • Overlay horizontal offset (Expert setting): Adjust the horizontal position of the FPS overlay.
  • Overlay vertical offset (Expert setting): Adjust the vertical position of the FPS overlay.
  • Use legacy meny: Restore the menu to how it worked before OpenXR Toolkit 1.1.2. This can be useful if you are having issues with the menu (eg: not displaying) or performance (eg: the menu causes loss of FPS).

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