Table of contents

  1. Why the command line tool?
    1. Syntax

Why the command line tool?

The OpenXR Toolkit command line too lets you create various shortcuts to control the OpenXR Toolkit features outside of the OpenXR Toolkit on-screen menu. For example, you may use Autohotkey to create keyboard shortcuts to toggle features on/off while in-game.


Usage: C:\Program Files\OpenXR-Toolkit\companion.exe
    [app <name>]
    [-sunglasses <off|light|dark|trunite>]
    [-post-process <off|on|ca_correction>]
    [-contrast <[0,100]>]
    [-brightness <[0,100]>]
    [-exposure <[0,100]>]
    [-saturation <[0,100]>]
    [-vibrance <[0,100]>]
    [-highlights <[0,100]>]
    [-shadows <[0,100]>]
    [-gain-r <[0,100]>]
    [-gain-g <[0,100]>]
    [-gain-b <[0,100]>]
    [-world-scale <[0,1000]>]
    [-zoom <[1,150]>]
    [-frame-throttling <[15,120]>]
    [-reprojection-rate <invalid|unlocked|1/2|1/3>]
    [-over-prediction-reduction <-100,0>]
    [-foveated-rendering toggle]
    [-overlay toggle]
    [-record-stats toggle]
    [-turbo toggle]

When no app is specified, the currently running app is used.
Use syntax <+N> to add value N to integral and decimal values (N can be negative)
Use syntax <+N> to cycle by step N through enumeration values (with automatic wraparound)

 companion.exe -brightness 50.5 -contrast 45.8
   Set brightness and contrast values for the currently running app
 companion.exe -sunglasses +1
   Cycle through sunglasses mode for the currently running app
 companion.exe -world-scale +-10
   Decrease world scale by 10% for the currently running app
 companion.exe -overlay toggle
   Toggle the overlay on/off for the currently running app
 companion.exe app FS2020 dump
   Dump settings for app 'FS2020' (Flight Simulator 2020)

The dump option can be used to generate a command-line based on the current option values (eg: as you set from the menu in-game), so that you can copy/paste the command directly into a script:

> companion.exe dump
C:\Program Files\OpenXR-Toolkit\companion.exe app HelloXR -sunglasses light -post-process 1 -contrast 50 -brightness 0.1 -exposure 50 -saturation 50 -vibrance 0 -highlights 100 -shadows 0 -gain-r 50 -gain-g 50 -gain-b 50 -world-scale 101 -reprojection-rate 1/4